Thursday, December 27, 2012


There was shame in both these incidences, one in the US on the 14th and one in India on the 16th.  How has society reached such a nadir - is what is in most people's heart.  The senseless killing of 20 kindergarten kids and the raping and assaulting of a young girl struggling for life indicate that "the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?"  We claim to be a society that is civilized and enlightened.  Yet, these last few days have shown worldwide that such events happen whatever the state of the society.

In Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, Adam Lanza a 20 year old, fatally shot 20 young 6-7 year old boys and girls and six female adults, before shooting himself.  No one is able to explain what motivated Adam Lanza to do such a thing.  Before going on this mass murder shooting spree, Adam had shot his 52 year old mother in cold blood on her bed.  He had used guns which his mother had licence to have in her home, being a gun-collector.  All this happened on December 14, 2012.

In New Delhi, the capital of India, a 23 year old student was gang raped in a moving bus even as she traveled with her male friend.  This happened on the night of December 16, 2012.  It has caused a great uproar in India, all across the major cities.  The young girl is struggling for life and the perpetrators are absconding.  The law will take its course, there is no doubt, but it has a way of taking longer than usual and more often than not justice is not served to the people.

These have been acts of violence which are beyond the understanding of human comprehension. In the Bible in Exodus 1 & 2, when Moses was born in 1525 BC the Pharaoh Amuntotep I had ordered the killing of children. He did this because the Egyptian astrologers had predicted that the liberator of the children of Israel was to be born. The children were to be drowned in the river Nile.  This seemed inhuman, but Moses survived this edict and in fact grew up in the Pharaoh's palace.  God is greater than human plotting and planning - His plans can never be thwarted!

At the time when Jesus Christ was born, Herod the Great was king.  The story recorded in Matthew 2:1-23 states that Herod was afraid that the King of the Jews had been born in Bethlehem as he was informed by the magi who had come to pay homage to the King.  Because Herod was outwitted by the magi, he ordered babies two years and under to be killed in and  around Bethlehem - the massacre of the innocents.  Since Bethlehem had a population of about 1000, the babies murdered would have been around 20 or so.  Herod had killed his own sons and wives earlier.  Soon after this, Herod died an excruciating death.  Jesus Christ died the horrible death of crucifixion, but He conquered death and is alive.  This was God's plan from the beginning and the start of eternal life through Jesus Christ.

Those who sow to violence will reap its consequences.  A society which, through entertainment, lauds violence, will have to address this serious concern before it gets out of control.