Wednesday, May 29, 2013

What to Say!

There are times when one doesn't know what to say!  It is not that one is speechless or dumbfounded, but the right words don't really come to mind.  The Book of Proverbs 25:23 says it well: "A man has joy in the answer of his mouth; and a word spoken in due season, how good is it!"  To say the right thing at the right time is indeed a gift from God.  That too spoken with a sincere heart, as those at the receiving end of words, can see through hypocrisy.  The Book of Proverbs are the wise sayings of the Jewish king Solomon, a man who had the gift of wisdom.  It goes on to say in verse 26 that "The Lord hates evil thoughts but kind words please Him." When we speak words that see the good in people and situations, it makes the atmosphere so much more pleasing. 

In the play "The Bishop's Candlesticks" by Norman Mckinnel, based on Victor Hugo's "Les Miserable", the Bishop is ready to give his treasured silver candlesticks to the escaped and caught convict who had anyway stolen the candlesticks, calling the convict his friend - "....he did me the honour to sup with me tonight, and I - I have given him the candlesticks."  The situation and the concerned people are fraught with tension and the matter could end in tragedy.  But the Monseigneur, the Bishop, spoke that one word and the situation changed for the better for everybody! A word fitly spoken, is like apples of gold in pictures of silver!

That's what grace is all about....speaking a fit word which becomes like apples of gold in settings of silver.  Jesus Christ did just that when He took the punishment of all humanity and said 'sorry' to God on mankind's behalf...."Father, forgive them for they do not know what they do."  What a fitting word Jesus spoke, it changed the course of humanity!  Saying "sorry" is the hardest word human beings utter, especially saying "sorry" when you have not done anything wrong.  It takes for someone who is strong to say it.  Jesus said it on behalf of humanity.