“For Mordecai the Jew was next unto king Ahasuerus, and great among the Jews, and accepted of the multitude of his brethren, seeking the wealth of his people, and speaking peace to all his seed.”
Esther 10:3. KJV
Mordecai the Jew ranked second in command to King Xerxes. He was popular among the Jews and greatly respected by them. He worked hard for the good of his people; he cared for the peace and prosperity of his race. The essence of good leadership is to work for good, prosperity and peace for all the people under the leader, as Mordecai did. In the world system we live in, the good of all people is a far cry from what God requires of good leadership. As Scripture tells us, leaders are to be compassionate shepherds who tenderly care for God’s flock and who feed them well, for they are given the responsibility to guide, protect, and oversee. Let leaders consider it a joyous pleasure and not merely a religious duty, leading from the heart under God’s leadership—not as a way to gain finances dishonestly but as a way to eagerly and cheerfully serve. Let’s learn to be servant leaders as our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is and pray for the Kingdom of God to increase in our planet today under our Good Shepherd Who laid down His life for us. Amen!
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