Friday, July 29, 2011


It just amazes me how some people can overcome their challenges with grace. In the many forwards one gets on email, some of them can really challenge your mindset. I thought to put together some of these video clips which encourage us to be overcomers. One story is about Tony Melendez who was born without arms and then learned to play the guitar, here is the video clip:

Such people don't allow circumstances to discourage them, the attitude itself is what bounces them off the grim pit of despair!

Then there is this passionate performance called 'Hand in Hand' by Ma Li and Zhai Xiaowei, both physically challenged, but oh...what passion, what energy, and how poignant!

This video clip is about a licensed pilot without hands, a professional and with such ease and expertise is able to fly the aircraft.

This last one of the series is a dancing couple again, but the young man has only one leg...what a graceful dancer....a joy to watch!

Recently, my domestic help's five year old boy was riding behind an older boy's bicycle and decided to jump off without having asked to stop first. His big toe got caught in the bike spikes and was quite mangled. He bled so much and it took about two hours to get medical attention for him at the government hospital. They tried to help by putting a small metal rod on the toe but warned that it was so crushed and since there may not be blood supply and severe nerve damage, they could expect the toe to turn gangrenous and may have to amputate it. The hapless parents of the boy tried many hospitals to try and save the toe but a week later it was amputated. We've been trying to comfort the family that it is not the end and now with new prosthetic breakthroughs, the solution could be much better than they can think of right now. On thinking of such things, I found through my video archives of forwarded emails, these encouraging video clips and will show them to Manju (my domestic help) and hope she will become optimistic. When I read the Gospels, I find that the Lord Jesus gave comfort to so many people and many times told them to be of good comfort and I pray that through me the comfort of Christ can reach others in this uncomfortable world we live in!