Thursday, December 27, 2012


There was shame in both these incidences, one in the US on the 14th and one in India on the 16th.  How has society reached such a nadir - is what is in most people's heart.  The senseless killing of 20 kindergarten kids and the raping and assaulting of a young girl struggling for life indicate that "the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?"  We claim to be a society that is civilized and enlightened.  Yet, these last few days have shown worldwide that such events happen whatever the state of the society.

In Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, Adam Lanza a 20 year old, fatally shot 20 young 6-7 year old boys and girls and six female adults, before shooting himself.  No one is able to explain what motivated Adam Lanza to do such a thing.  Before going on this mass murder shooting spree, Adam had shot his 52 year old mother in cold blood on her bed.  He had used guns which his mother had licence to have in her home, being a gun-collector.  All this happened on December 14, 2012.

In New Delhi, the capital of India, a 23 year old student was gang raped in a moving bus even as she traveled with her male friend.  This happened on the night of December 16, 2012.  It has caused a great uproar in India, all across the major cities.  The young girl is struggling for life and the perpetrators are absconding.  The law will take its course, there is no doubt, but it has a way of taking longer than usual and more often than not justice is not served to the people.

These have been acts of violence which are beyond the understanding of human comprehension. In the Bible in Exodus 1 & 2, when Moses was born in 1525 BC the Pharaoh Amuntotep I had ordered the killing of children. He did this because the Egyptian astrologers had predicted that the liberator of the children of Israel was to be born. The children were to be drowned in the river Nile.  This seemed inhuman, but Moses survived this edict and in fact grew up in the Pharaoh's palace.  God is greater than human plotting and planning - His plans can never be thwarted!

At the time when Jesus Christ was born, Herod the Great was king.  The story recorded in Matthew 2:1-23 states that Herod was afraid that the King of the Jews had been born in Bethlehem as he was informed by the magi who had come to pay homage to the King.  Because Herod was outwitted by the magi, he ordered babies two years and under to be killed in and  around Bethlehem - the massacre of the innocents.  Since Bethlehem had a population of about 1000, the babies murdered would have been around 20 or so.  Herod had killed his own sons and wives earlier.  Soon after this, Herod died an excruciating death.  Jesus Christ died the horrible death of crucifixion, but He conquered death and is alive.  This was God's plan from the beginning and the start of eternal life through Jesus Christ.

Those who sow to violence will reap its consequences.  A society which, through entertainment, lauds violence, will have to address this serious concern before it gets out of control.

Thursday, November 29, 2012


Travelling is a lifestyle which many people enjoy.  I too enjoyed travelling when I was a child.  My childhood memories are of a newly independent India in the fifties.  My father's work included a lot of travel because he was the divisional forest officer in the government of Punjab and later the newly formed Himachal Pradesh.  Sometimes, when my siblings and I were very young, we travelled with him into the interior forests of what is now Himachal Pradesh.  Mountain travel can be a dizzy experience if you are not used to it, especially the Himlayan mountains which are rugged and huge.  The roads are carved on the sheer hillside, sometimes not very firm and prone to landslides in the rainy weather, and there is a complete drop on the outer side of the road which goes into a gorge.  At times, you come across breathtaking landscapes, whether dales in a tranquil forest or the grandeur of the mountain peaks - one is speechless with delight!

Lilies in the Field

The memories are of an innocent father, the driver and a forest official in the front of the jeep; my mother and my siblings in the back...because we were so many (five - three sisters and two brothers), there was a spillover into the projection of the jeep in the rear. Jeeps were originally military vehicles and the term was coined by US military mechanics, based on E. C. Segar's 'Eugene the Jeep', Popeye's jungle pet which was "small, able to move between dimensions and could solve seemingly impossible problems." CJ was civilian jeeps and the variant used by the forest department in the 1950s and 60s was the Willys CJ 3B.

The Willys Jeep

So, along with all the stuff, we would be stuffed too, like a tin of sardines, inside the jeep. In the beginning we had to contend with travel sickness, some of us, but soon got over it! We would just enjoy the beauty of nature, sometimes sing songs like "Joog, joog, joog, off to Chandigarh now we go!"; Another song
"My Uncle Sam was a very funny man, he washed his face in a frying pan! 
He combed his hair with a horse's tail & scratched his belly with a big toenail.  
So how I laughed ahaha (3) just at the break of day.  
I took my wife to the tailor's shop, to make her mouth bit smaller! 
My pretty little wife, she opened up her mouth and swallowed up the tailor!  
So how I laughed ahaha.....  
One fine morning, in the middle of the night, two dead dogs began to fight, 
A paralyzed donkey passing by, he kicked the blind man in his eye!  
So how I laughed ahaha...."
And "It's a long road to freedom"; "Pearly Shells"; "My Bonny lies over the ocean". Sometimes we would race with other cars on the road, though there were hardly that many on the roads then!  I remember the time when we would get to eat lush, juicy cherries and all kinds of berries  and my parents introduced us to persimmons, a fruit we hadn't had before.  Once, between Manali and Katrain, we stopped at the home of a butterfly collector who had the most beautiful collection of butterflies in his home.

Our childhood heroes in those days used to be drivers of the Willys jeep, like Jhabay Ram who used to drive so intrepidly, going through terrain which was difficult to time he himself laid logs across a flowing stream, so the jeep would get to the other side slowly but surely!  Another time Nageshwar was taking us in a wild forest area near Daltonganj then in Bihar but now in Jharkand.  It was night time and we saw a pack of wild elephants running towards us trumpeting menacingly.  Nageshwar turned the jeep around in the narrow dirt track and we retreated by the skin of our teeth.  The next morning the newspapers reported of the wild elephants on the rampage who had run amok killing people!

Snow Peaked Mountains

We would travel to Delhi too, mostly during our three month school vacation between December and early March.  We would get to see the Republic Day parade and the Beating Retreat, in those days when there weren't televisions, just the radio commentaries.

Last year I had to travel a lot, we shifted from Hyderabad to Bangalore, then the trips to Chennai and later to Bhubaneswar to meet my daughter, then the several trips to Chandigarh as we had to renovate our house there.  It was just travel, travel, travel!  It was a joy to travel from Hyderabad to Bangalore by road - a great road. The air travel has become quick but tedious, what with the waits in the airports, changing aircrafts and sometimes the terminal, and of course the trip to the airports because now the airports have moved more than an hour away from the city.

There's lots of travelling to do in India itself...I look forward to trips to Coorg and the Nilgiris, which I haven't explored much.  I still enjoy traveling! I believe that the Lord keeps my going out and my coming in and commands His angels concerning me to guard me in all my ways!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Quod Est Veritas?

According to the dictionary, truth as a noun means 'the quality or state of being true' or 'that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality'. Truth has the quality of faithfulness, fidelity, loyalty, sincerity and veracity.  In Philosophy, they refer to truth as the Problem of Truth - a vast subject because philosophers have endless theories of truth!  Then there is the Absolute Truth, the Objective/Subjective Truth and the Relative Truth!  Absolute Truth is permanent and unalterable.  Objective Truth is for people of all cultures and times, even if they do not know it or recognize it to be true.  Subjective Truth is true for the person making the judgment but it is not true for others.  Relative Truth is not fixed by outside reality but is decided by a group or individual for themselves, is manufactured and ever-changing.  There are many theories of truth including truth in logic, mathematics, semantics, history, medicine, psychiatry, modern age and religion!

This question, what is truth, has been asked since a long time, thinking that truth is a principle.  The question asked by the Roman Governor Pontius Pilate has been made famous down the ages.  Pilate asked the Jewish criminal Who claimed that He was the Son of God, "Are you a king?"  Jesus of Nazareth answered Pilate, "You say that I am a king.  For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world - to bear witness to the truth.  Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice."  Pilate asked the famous question, "What is truth?"  Then he went hurriedly and asked the Jews who wanted Jesus to be punished to death by crucifixion as was customary, "I find no guilt in you want me to release to you the King of the Jews?"  This account is found in the Gospel of John 18:37-39 in the New Testament of the Holy Bible.  Again, in John 14:6 Jesus Christ claimed, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me."  Truth is not a principle but the Person of Jesus Christ.  Truth is a Person.  Jesus also said in John 17:17, "...Thy word is truth."  Jesus is the Word & Jesus is the Truth & His Word is Truth.  We are created with a free will and it is our choice to believe the claim of Jesus Christ.  Generations of people down the ages have continued to believe this Truth and nothing has stopped people out of their own free will choosing to become disciples of Jesus Christ.  When Jesus comes to dwell in the heart of an individual, the changes that happen in that life are all for good.  Jesus, Who knew no sin, became sin for all people who believe in His sacrifice, so that we who are sinners become righteous in Him by faith through grace.  This truth will never change.  The individual's heart will change from bad to good!

Nikolai Ge, 1890 - Christ & Pilate - Quod Est Veritas?

Today, people get mixed up between what is a fact and what is the truth. Fact and truth is used interchangeably in today's understanding. Facts are data given - cold, hard and bare!  Truth is living and life-giving! Facts change but the truth of the Word of God never does.  Truth is and always will be is the standard.

In the twenty-first century, this question is getting to be very interesting.  Social media is working on an online web application which will check facts.  This tool will help people spot false claims that politicians say in their speeches and interviews on television or online.  When the person is discussing an issue, on real time will display 'true' or 'false'!

What is in the heart is what matters.  The heart of man is despicably wicked.  Jesus died to give us a new heart and a new spirit.  If the Truth is in our heart, then we will display God's goodness as our motive.  This is the Truth!

Saturday, September 29, 2012


There is another ancestor of mine, my mother's father's father, who became a Christian from a Hindu background way back in the mid-nineteenth century - Lala Chandu Lall (1834-1903) - and I researched the story of his life and times!  He was born at a time when the Mughal emperor Akbar Shah II ruled over a disintegrating empire in Delhi.  The British East India Company had wrested Delhi from the Marathas in the Battle of Delhi 1803 and installed the Mughal emperor who was only titular.  When Bahadur Shah Zafar ascended the throne in 1837, his empire did not extend beyond Delhi's Red Fort!

Chandu Lall was a Khatri who came from Katra Neel in the heart of Chandni Chowk, Delhi.  He grew up at a time when the Mughal empire was on the wane and the British East India Company's influence was rapidly increasing and was the dominant political and military power at that time.  Bahadur Shah Zafar was a pensioner with the British East India Company and maintained a court that was courtesy the British!  Not interested in governance, the Mughal emperor was a noted poet and a Sufi saint and his court was home to the famed Ghalib and Zauq.  His syncretic philosophy  was that both Hinduism and Muslim were of the same essence.  The Hindus visited dargahs and could quote Hafiz and were fond of Persian poetry.  The children of the administrative Kayasthas and Khatris castes studied under maulvis and attended the madrassas.

Chandni Chowk in 1858
Chandni Chowk was built by Emperor Shahjehan and designed by his daughter Jahanara in the 17th century.  It runs through the middle of the walled city from the Lahore Gate of the Red Fort to the Fatehpuri Mosque on the west and was the grandest of the markets in India.  Katra Neel was a rich neighbourhood and is now a large wholesale cloth market.

Katra Neel in the 21st Century

Lala Chandu Lall grew up in Delhi where the British East India Company's Governor General Lord Dalhousie's Doctrine of Lapse annexed many princely states in India between 1848 and 1856.  English education was being established by Macaulay, who also brought about the Indian Penal Code.  Persian and Sanskrit were replaced by English.  The Delhi College was originally the Madrassa Ghaziuddin Khan, named after the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb's general who started it in the 1690s.  In 1792 it became the oriental college for literature, science and art situated near Paharganj outside the Ajmeri Gate.  Through the influence of Macaulay, it was called the Anglo Arabic College in 1828 and became famous as the Delhi College.  It was one of the first institutions in India to initiate instruction in modern science through the local language.  It served as "an institution that mediated between eastern and western cultures and mentalities, and did so in the vernacular, contributing to the emergence of an Urdu-speaking and reading elite in North India, composed of individuals of all religious persuasions."

Lala Chandu Lall attended the Delhi College and was much influenced by Master Ramchander, the famous mathematician of Delhi College respected by the Indians and foreigners alike for his academic prowess and who had become a Christian in 1852.  Even Dr. Chiman Lall, was an alumni of the Delhi College, who was Bahadur Shah Zafar's personal physician, had become a Christian, and who was killed during the 1857 riots, known by the British as Sepoy Mutiny but by Indians as the First War of Independence.  In one of the reports of the Society of the Propogation of the Gospel (SPG) taken from the Yale Divinity School library, it states - "Large number of Musalmans and Hindoos are often present during our service in Church, they are attracted by the music, but frequently stay to the end and listen to the sermon."  Lala Chandu Lall was one such person who was attracted to the glorious Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.  As was the custom in those days, he was married at a young age to Sohini and they had one child Isa Charan.

After the public Baptism of Master Ramchander and Dr. Chiman Lall on 11 July 1852, the seeds of dissent were growing. There was a marked difference now from the secular ways of Bahadur Shah Zafar's court and resentment against the Gospel propogating Christians was rising.  When the Bengal soldiers rebelled against the British East India Company army, they felt that their religion was being compromised and the British were deceiving them into becoming Christians by making them taste pork and beef lard said to have been used in the ammunition that they were supposed to use by putting the bullets to their mouth.  The simmering emotions erupted and fuelled by rumour and slander, went right from Calcutta to Meerut, Lucknow and Delhi and then on to the north of India.  Britishers - men, women and children were butchered mercilessly.  Even in Bahadur Shah Zafar's court, Dr. Chiman Lall was murdered and Master Ramchander barely escaped as Christians were being hunted down.  Bahadur Shah Zafar made a public declaration of siding with the rebel Indian soldiers and when the Britishers were finally able to control the riots, being in their turn merciless to quell the emotions and killings, they exiled Bahadur Shah Zafar to Rangoon thus making a formal end to the travesty that was once the mighty Mughal empire. The other casualty of the 1857 riots was the British East India Company as the British Crown took over and the governor general was now the Viceroy representing Queen Victoria who was later announced as the Empress of India.  

In such an atmosphere Lala Chandu Lall took his baptism as is mentioned in the Mission Life Vol.III in the chapter, 'Work Amongst the Educated Classes at Delhi' by C.J. Crowfoot  -
"Lala Rám Chandra and Dr. Chimmum Láll, an account of whose baptism was given in my last paper, belonged to this class; and the chain of converts commenced by them, although it is but a thin one, has continued unbroken. In 1859 Tara Chand and Chandu Láll, who had both been pupils in the first class of the Government College, were baptized. They have both continued to live in Delhi since their baptism, and the high consistency of their lives has been at all times the greatest support to the Missionaries, and the best pledge of future success. Tara Chand has been working for many years as an ordained Missionary in Delhi, and Chandu Láll holds an important post in the Commissioner's office."    

Lala Chandu Lall and his wife were involved in ministering to new believers in Delhi as C.J. Crowfoot mentioned in his letters - 
"Sunday, Oct. 4th, Delhi.- Today J., the young Brahman, who is mentioned in Tara Chand's letter, has signified his wish to come to be baptized in church; and the baptism is to take place during this evening's service. It has, I hope, been kept a secret; for we are afraid that [294/295] his relatives, if they hear of it, may resort to any means, violent or other, to prevent his baptism from taking place. I trust that strength will be given him to-day to face the ordeal through which he will have to pass. It is really no slight one. After his baptism he is to live for some while with Chandu Láll........"
"St. Stephen's Mission, Delhi, Friday, Oct. 16th.- Last Sunday-week J., about whom I once sent you a letter from Tara Chand, was baptized. Tara Chand performed the ceremony; Chandu Láll and his wife and myself were witnesses. He had kept his intention secret from his relatives, so that there was not a larger number of heathen present than there usually is at our evening service. Afterwards, in the evening, he dined with Chandu Láll, thus hopelessly breaking his caste. He was a Brahman of very high caste........."
"April 26th, 1869.--I am going to a meeting of the Delhi Society. This is a Society composed of some of the leading gentry amongst the natives, and some of the English residents--the Commissioner always taking the chair. Meetings are held at which essays are read, debates [298/299] are carried on, and a news-room and a library is attached to the debating-room. This evening Tara Chand is to give us a lecture on 'Socrates.' Hitherto the society has not done much good, most of its members being respectable old gentlemen who come to pay their salaams to the Commissioner; but now many young educated men are joining. Chandu Láll is secretary--rather a remarkable fact, showing that when a really good man becomes a Christian he does not necessarily lose respect in the eyes of his countrymen, however much he may lose caste...." 
"April 26th, 1871 -" ......So when, twenty years ago, Rám Chandra and Dr. Chimmum Láll were baptized, there was a general movement; so again, when Tara Chand and Chandu Láll became Christians, four or five others were expected to follow their example. And so it was two years ago. Still, I hope that one is right in regarding these movements as the ebb and flow of a tide of feeling which, though slowly, is yet surely advancing...."

We know from these records that Lala Chandu Lall became a Christian as a matter of deep conviction, because he withstood the resentment against Christians at this time.  His wife Sohini had died and he remarried, this time to Emily Abel, the daughter of a British army chaplain.  Lala Chandu Lall made the decision to leave Delhi and relocate to Lahore in Punjab. In the Yale Divinity School library SPG report published in 1871 it says that  "Our school has sustained another heavy loss, Lala Chandu Lal, who has for the last year been acting as head master and for the last eight years has been working in the School, has left it.  This however is a loss which though we regret it much for the immediate interests of the School, we do not regret when we look at the wider interests of the Mission; Lala Chandu Lal now holds an important post in a Government Office, his influence will henceforth be exerted in a sphere quite independent of the Mission; this we consider a great gain." Lala Chandu Lall had been involved with the St. Stephen's School which later became the prominent St. Stephen's College of  Delhi University.  Family sources say that Lala Chandu Lall joined the Government Education Department in Lahore and there was involved with the starting of the Rang Mahal School which later became the renowned Forman Christian College.  He was an educationist and a disciplinarian even though he was a loving father to his children and all his children did exceedingly well for themselves.

An old picture of Lala Chandu Lall taken in the late 19th century at Lahore, Punjab

With Emily, Lala Chandu Lall had thirteen children - 1) Mohini b1865;  2) Prem b1867;  3) Bertie b1869;  4) Pati b1871;  5) Pyarelal (Pare) b1873;  6) Dayavati b1875;  7) Shanti b1877;  8) Sadanand b1879;  9) Grace b1881;  10) Samuel b1883;  11) Benjamin b1885;  12) Mary b1889;  13) Luther b1891.

Lala Chandu Lall and his wife Emily at the marriage of their eldest daughter Mohini to Rai Bahadur Mayadass of Ferozepur

Lala Chandu Lall was very nationalist minded and continued his Indian lifestyle till the end of his days.  His children were very British in their outlook and way of life, being influenced by Emily their mother.  Family sources says that Emily's father, the Rev. Ralph Abel was an army chaplain, of Jewish ethnicity, a Protestant reverend of the Anglican church and a British national.  He lies buried in the Holy Trinity church in Lahore.  

Soon after the birth of their youngest child Luther in 1891, Emily passed away and Lala Chandu Lall was a widower once more.  He continued to be involved with Christian activity in Lahore.  It had been a fresh start for him at Lahore and he had cut connection with his extended family in Delhi because he was hurt that they accused him of taking money from the British to renounce Hinduism.  He mentioned it in the Punjab Christian Conference held in Lahore at that time.  This accusation still continues till today when people cannot understand why a Hindu or a Muslim can, of their own free will, start believing in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of God, Who came in the flesh, died, was buried and on the third day He rose again and is alive forever.  Even now Indians think that Jesus is a foreigner and are willing to add Him into their pantheon as long as they don't have to believe He is the Only Diety.  He stated it Himself in John 14:6 - "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no man comes to the Father, but by Me."

Government House, Lahore, 1857

In Lahore, Lala Chandu Lall established himself.  Lahore had been the capital city of the Sikh empire under Maharaja Ranjit Singh till 1849 and by 1857 it was under the British Raj and the capital city of the Punjab.  It was the culture centre of the Indian subcontinent extending from the eastern banks of the Indus river all the way to Delhi.

Lahore Market, 1857
Anarkali, Lahore
The Hazuri Bagh, Lahore 1857
Shalimar Gardens, Lahore 1857

Lala Chandu Lall was my great grandfather and his eleventh child Benjamin was my mother Shuniela's father.  He lived in exciting times and had the courage of his convictions and rebelled against the caste and inequality of his times believing that God has created all mankind as equal, it is man who has made them unequal. That was his mutiny!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Passage of Time

Time means different things to different people. It can be described as a dimension in which events can be ordered from the past through the present and into the future measuring the duration and the interval between events.  Time clocks measure and keeps everything from happening at once!  The Judaeo-Christian measure of time is linear and begins with the creation by God and ends with the end of the world.

For some people, it is as the lyrics of the song  Time - by Pink Floyd portrays, which are given below, and which gives a stark picture of the wasting away of time and in the end being left with remorse.

Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
You fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way.
Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
Waiting for someone or something to show you the way.

Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain.
You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today.
And then one day you find ten years have got behind you.
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun.

So you run and you run to catch up with the sun but it's sinking
Racing around to come up behind you again.
The sun is the same in a relative way but you're older,
Shorter of breath and one day closer to death.

Every year is getting shorter never seem to find the time.
Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines
Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way
The time is gone, the song is over,
Thought I'd something more to say.

Home, home again
I like to be here when I can
And when I come home cold and tired
Its good to warm my bones beside the fire
Far away across the field
The tolling of the iron bell
Calls the faithful to their knees
To hear the softly spoken magic spells.

For others, time has a purpose as the lyrics of this song taken from the Bible portrays.  Turn, Turn, Turn - by The Byrds

There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven–
A time  to give birth, and a time to die; A time to plant, and a time to uproot what is planted.
A time to kill, and a time to heal; A time to tear down, and a time to build up.
A time to weep, and a time to laugh; A time to mourn, and a time to dance.
A time to throw stones, and a time to gather stones; 
A time to embrace, and a time to shun embracing.
A time to search, and a time to give up as lost; A time to keep, and a time to throw away.
A time to tear apart, and a time to sew together; A time to be silent, and a time to speak.
A time to love, and a time to hate; A time for war, and a time for peace.  Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

For those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and His death and resurrection, we have come out of the time zone and are already in eternity which is everlasting life.  The purpose of our time on earth is to redeem it as it says in Colossians 4:5 by telling others about the gift of everlasting life which the Lord Jesus Christ gives to all people on the earth just by believing in Him and what He did for us.

Saturday, July 21, 2012


It has been quite the hottest summer I experienced. It reminded me of a song which I first learned in school by Mr. Smith our music teacher from Calcutta. It was just such a great song and I enjoyed it then even as I do now though when we first learned it, I didn't realize that it was a classic jazz, mainly because Mr. Smith's antics used to keep us amused so much that we didn't take the music class seriously at all. Well, Summertime is from the famous opera Porgy & Bess whose music is by George Gershwin and the lyrics by DuBose Heyward the writer of the opera Porgy & Bess.

Summertime, and the livin' is easy, fish are jumping' and the cotton is high
Your daddy's rich and your mamma's good lookin' so hush little baby don't you cry

One of these mornings you're going to rise up singing, then you'll spread our wings and you'll take to the sky
But till that morning there's a'nothing can harm you with daddy and mamma standing by

Summertime, and the livin' is easy, fish are jumping' and the cotton is high
Your daddy's rich and your mamma's good lookin' so hush little baby don't your cry

This lullaby has a haunting melody by George Gershwin, a brilliant composer of Jewish background who wrote the music in an Afro-American soul-jazz style and has been sung by many since it first came out in 1935. Recorded for the first time by Abbie Mitchell on July 19, 1935, almost eighty years ago, with Gershwin playing the piano, it made the top of the charts to #2 with Billie Holiday in 1936. Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong recorded their version in 1957. The 1959 Samuel Goldwyn film with Sidney Poitier can be heard here. Janis Joplin sang it in 1968 if you like that kind of style. In the twenty first century it has been sung by Charlotte Church and by Norah Jones, among many others who have recorded this song. My favorite is by Norah Jones!

Saturday, June 30, 2012


While I was talking to my sister, she told me that in early May two truckload of people arrived on a rainy night at nine thirty and barged into the Khyber House and took everything they could find, removing plaques and other evidences that the place belonged to the Church of North India, Amritsar Diocese, and put their own people there saying that the place belonged to them. They had locked into a room the caretaker and staff of the Earth Centre which ran the guest house and made themselves at home at the Tagore Bhavan down near the main gate. Early next morning the caretaker managed to reach a place where he could telephone because they had taken all the cell phones too, and contacted the Director of the Earth Centre and my sister, who rushed to Dalhousie. On reaching, they went straight to the police station and had to prove to the police officers that the Earth Centre was in their charge. It took the whole day and the better part of the night when the police took into custody the men who were left at Tagore Bhavan whilst the trucks and other vandals went missing. This only happened because the chief minister of the state was contacted and he asked the police officers to look into the matter.

I had been to Dalhousie quite a few times from 2005 onwards to spend time with my sister who was the program secretary of the Earth Centre and had been going there till as recently as this last summer. I saw the renovations to the old building from what it was to what it is now.

In our country, can we expect to live safely or is lawlessness increasing? We read about it in the newspapers happening to others with a sense of indifference, but when it happens to someone close to us, we are indignant! What security is there, where the disparity between the rich and the poor is so vast, and caste divides man from man, and worshipping money is part of the culture so greed is an accepted attitude - the rich keep getting richer and the poor remain poor if they can't get any poorer. The adroit maneuvering with which the vandals operated indicates that they have done such operations before and have the cooperation of the police and some influential people because those who were taken into custody were set free after a couple of days. The government and the police say that they are looking into the matter but one cannot help but be distrustful and cynical.

The Bible says that in the last days lawlessness will increase in Matthew 24:12 and he who endures till the end with faith in the finished work on the Cross of the Lord Jesus Christ, will be saved. The words of the Bible are coming true right before our eyes and our only security is the God of Peace. It says in Isaiah 26:3 - Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee - that's the only security we have!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Bengaluru is a delightful city with great weather. It used to be called Bangalore but now they've changed it to Bengaluru which means the city of boiled beans.....not such a pleasant meaning as the city itself is! I heard that an Oxford student was asked what the capital city of Bengal was and the student answered "Bengalore"! It is on an elevation of 3000 ft. above sea level on the deccan plateau and the capital city of the state of Karnataka. The British moved their cantonment to Bangalore in the 19th century and that is why the heart of the city has roads like Artillery Road, Infantry Road & Cavalry Road etc. What's disconcerting is that quite a few roads move on a one-way direction and that is taking me time to get used to! Bengaluru has many appellations like the IT hub or the Silicon Valley of India, the Fashion Capital, the Pub City, but the one I like the most is the Garden City of green....the Cubbon Park and the Lalbagh Botanical Garden are really worth the walk and spending time enjoying the surroundings there. The Bannerghata National Park is also quite awesome, with its tiger safari and bear safari etc.

A few of Paul Fernandes' cartoons capture the essence of Bangalore so well.

So we travelled to Bengaluru on the early morning of Feroz's 60th birthday. Sixtieth birthdays seem to have a significance mainly that of being the retirement age.....a chapter of your life closes and you start on a new beginning. It definitely has been a new beginning for us as the Hyderabad chapter of our life closes for a season! It is not the retirement age for Feroz because he is enjoying his career like never before! No doubt there is the hoary head and one becomes mellow and like John Dryden puts it:

What, start at this! when sixty years have spread
Their grey experience o'er thy hoary head?
Is this the all observing age could gain?
Or hast thou known the world so long in vain?

To watch this video, click here:

Just wanted to add the video we gave to Feroz for his 60th birthday which you can view here and here


Saturday, April 28, 2012

Earthquakes & Tsunamis

Earthquakes and tsunamis seem to have become far more frequent now than they were forty to fifty years ago.  In one day I counted 58 earthquakes ranging from 1.9 to 5.4 on the Richter scale magnitude, according to this website.  There are around 500,000 earthquakes in a year now, of which 100,000 can be felt.  An earthquake registering between 6.0 and 6.9 would be considered fairly major.  7.0 and above would be considered serious causing a larger area of damage.  The largest earthquake till now was the 1960 Chile earthquake which measured 9.5 and caused much devastation.  In the 1990 to 1999 worldwide earthquakes, there have been 6 earthquakes of the magnitude of 8 to 9.9 and 147 earthquakes of 7 to 7.9 magnitude; from 1981-1990 there were 44 earthquakes worldwide; from 1971 to 1980 there were 34 earthquakes worldwide; from 1961 to 1970 there were 26 earthquakes worldwide and from 1950 to 1960 there were 12 earthquakes totally worldwide.  These are the record of earthquakes with a significant magnitude.  In the last decade from 2000 to 2012 there have been 17 earthquakes of the magnitude of 8.0 to 9.9; 178 earthquakes of 7.0 to 7.9 magnitude and 1848 earthquakes of 6.0 to 6.9 magnitude.  These statistics are from this website.

The earth has in its outer shell a number of rigid tectonic plates that slowly move against each other.  This geological aspect of the earth provides the conditions for an earthquake as these plates move against each other especially at the boundary of these plates.  There has never been an earthquake measuring 10.0 on the Richter scale but such an earthquake can cause damage to the earth's outer shell crust.  You can simulate an earthquake by clicking here.

A tsunami is a series of sea waves caused by an underwater earthquake, landslide or volcanic eruption. Tsunamis are not tidal waves. It is possible though rarely for a tsunami to be caused by a giant meteor impacting the ocean.  The series of waves are like a train of waves and those who have heard a tsunami say that it sounds like a freight train.  Tsunamis can be unnoticeable at less than a foot high on the ocean's surface and travel up to speeds of 800 km/h and cross an entire ocean in less than a day.  Once the tsunami reaches the shallow water of the coast it slows down, the top of the wave moves faster than the bottom, causing the sea to rise as much as 100 ft. at times.  The tsunami waves can be as long as 100 km and an hour apart.  Flooding can reach land 1000 ft. from the coastline and the dangerous waves have enough force to lift giant boulders, flip vehicles and demolish houses.  In 2004 the Indian Ocean tsunami was caused by an earthquake that is thought to have had the energy of 23,000 atomic bombs and the earthquake that caused it was 9.0 in magnitude.  Within hours of the earthquake killer waves radiating from the epicenter slammed into the coastline of 11 countries, damaging countries from east Africa to Thailand.  The devastation was phenomenal and the toll was 2,83,000 human lives.  In the last century till 2012 there have been 27 tsunamis.  Scientists can estimate the time when a tsunami will arrive based on calculations using the depth of the water, distances from one place to another and the time that the earthquake or any other cause that occurred.  Previously no tsunami occurred in the Indian Ocean and it did not have an international warning system in this area which perhaps has now been rectified.

The Lord Jesus Christ warned of earthquakes and famines in Matthew 24:7 as part of the signs of the end of times calling them the 'beginning of sorrows'.  In Revelations 16:17-21 there is mention of an exceeding great earthquake that divides the city into three parts and its devastation is felt globally.  All this was written 2000 years ago and is now coming to pass.  We can be alert and be prepared with faith in our hearts for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.....Maranatha!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

New Wine

This new wine had come into the market some years ago when my uncle had gifted me for Christmas two years ago.  It was delicious.  When next I came to Chandigarh for a family visit, I decided to buy some of that wine and went to the store where I thought we could purchase it.  They said that it was not available with them but that I could go to Panchkula to purchase it.  So I requested my sister to take me to Panchkula in her Maruti van and she, my niece and I went off to Panchkula to purchase it.  On reaching Panchkula, we were told at the wine shop that this was available at Pinjore.  We jazzed off to Pinjore, 11 km away.  On reaching Pinjore, we were informed that we had to go to Kalka to purchase the Wonder Wine which was 3 km away.  We went haring off to Kalka and were informed that Himachal wines are available only at Parwanoo, the first stop in Himachal Pradesh, 4 km away.  When we arrived at the said wine shop in Parwanoo, what an array we found! The sleepy shopkeeper snapped out of his lethargy as three women came out of the Maruti van and into his shop.  We bought to sample every fruit wine available and the shopkeeper joyfully carried the crated wine bottles into the van.  It was well worth the chase from Chandigarh to Parwanoo a distance of 20 km.  We enjoyed the wine over Christmas.

There is a parable in the Bible in Matthew 9:14-17, Mark 2:21-22 and Luke 5:33-39 which talks about new wine in old wineskins.  Jesus was telling the people that the kingdom of God has come and you cannot follow traditional systems in the kingdom of God.  Jesus offered mankind the new covenant, so He explained that it will be difficult to live in the new covenant with old covenant thinking.  The Jews of that day could not imagine that God was for any other nationality but for them and they alone were the chosen race.  Here was Jesus, God in the flesh, telling them that the kingdom of God is for all mankind.  The new covenant that Jesus established, happened with His crucifixion, resurrection and ascension through the finished work of the Cross of Calvary.  Anyone who believes in salvation which God offered to mankind through Jesus, comes into the new covenant and therefore in the kingdom of God and will not perish but come into everlasting life.  We commemorate Jesus' sacrifice by eating the bread (Jesus said that "I am the Bread of Life") and by drinking wine which signifies the shed Blood of Jesus, as often as we can - this is the new covenant.  God does not force anyone to believe in His Sinless Sacrifice for salvation of mankind, anyone who comes into His kingdom, does it with our own volition and choice.  Only then we become children of God who have the right to call God, our Father!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

A Friendly Neighbourhood

It is wonderful to live in a friendly neighbourhood surrounded by beauty and people who are pleasant and do not invade one's privacy, so unusual to have the right combination! But that's really the bubble world....not quite the world we live in! A neighbourhood is as friendly as we are. Neighbourhoods are a localized community where face-to-face social interactions occur, the personal settings and situations where residents seek to realize common values, socialize youth and maintain effective social control. Social interactions among people living near each other is what a neighbourhood is.

In the early eighties at the start of my married life, we lived in a very friendly neighbourhood, where everyone knew each other because they all worked in the same company. There were joint shopping trips and family picnics and celebrations of holidays and national events and sports events and birthdays and newborn babies and marriages and deaths and so many social events. We were quite happy meeting the same people all the time and being friends with next door neighbours, watching our children growing up together. This was the tail end of the twentieth century.

Come the twenty first century and a friendly neighbourhood is found on Facebook or Twitter and a host of other social networking sites. You can live next door to each other and not see each other for months on end and many times you don't know the names of the people you're living next to! Social interaction is no longer face to face but FB to FB or via Skype or Google Talk or something like that! One must move with the times, though it takes some adjustment mentally, emotionally and socially!

The other day I read this in a neighbourhood social networking site: Our neighborhood social networking system is based on the latest Web 2.0 technology. We offer most of the interactive features you find on popular social networking websites. Our platform enables us to instantly create neighborhood websites with features such as news, announcements, comments, forums, calendars, member pages, polling, private messaging - with many new features development. So face to face has been replaced by interactive; being involved with one another's lives next door to each other has been replaced by news, announcements, comments, forums etc. I need to adjust my thinking....this is the world of virtual reality where you can create instant neighbourhoods!

This clip on YouTube is an introduction to social networking:

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Year of Grace & Favour

This year I believe is a year of grace and favour for us and I am looking forward to it! We started it by celebrating it with young children from the outskirts of the city, some who stay in slums and rough it out in life and some who have been abandoned or orphaned and stay in a home run by dedicated people. When you see the 'joie de vivre' in children, it reinforces ones belief in life. There they were singing lustily and then enjoyed games like passing the parcel and musical chairs. Even the older ones became like children for this....and then the punishments were so hilarious and without any self-consciousness, the children would tell jokes or do 'kalaabaazi' an Indian word for turning somersaults, and even dancing to the latest Bollywood tunes!
Living on the streets and in slums is tough - many are rag pickers or daily wage labourers or even beggars at traffic light areas. Rag pickers make a living by rummaging through refuse in the streets to collect material for salvage. Scraps of cloth or paper could be turned into cardboard, broken glass is melted and reused, even dead cats and dogs are skinned to be re-used. The rag pickers do not recycle the material themselves, they collect and whatever they find, they turn it to a master rag picker (usually a former rag picker), who in turn sells it by weight, to investors with the means to convert it to something more profitable. They start as early as five years and are illiterate and susceptible to diseases and bad habits like chewing tobacco, alcohol and drugs. Children working as rag pickers do not come under the 1986 Child Labour Act, so it is difficult to take them out of this environment.
India tops the list with the highest number of child labourers in the world. Child labourers of the age of 5-14 years are said to be 17 million in a 2001 census. The informal labour force statistics however puts the number at 60 million children as "hidden workers" working in homes or in the underground economy.
Organized begging involves the abduction of children and is known as the begging mafia all across India. An actual number of child abductions is around one million a year. Children are maimed and then sent to beg by the begging mafia. The hearts of the mafia greedy for money is such that they are blinded to this being a heinous crime.
Jesus says that the love of money is the root of all evil. He also says that it is better for a person that a millstone was hanged on his neck and that person was put into the sea than that he or she should offend the children. Stern words for anyone who thinks that they can get away with it, there is a judgment ahead after this life...there is only one life and after that is the judgment.
I have gratitude in my heart towards God that He gives us opportunities to serve children and to make a place for them where they can grow in an atmosphere of peace. God gives grace to us when we love and respect the dignity of children and allow them to grow up as good citizens of the country we live in. You can watch the video here.