Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Bengaluru is a delightful city with great weather. It used to be called Bangalore but now they've changed it to Bengaluru which means the city of boiled beans.....not such a pleasant meaning as the city itself is! I heard that an Oxford student was asked what the capital city of Bengal was and the student answered "Bengalore"! It is on an elevation of 3000 ft. above sea level on the deccan plateau and the capital city of the state of Karnataka. The British moved their cantonment to Bangalore in the 19th century and that is why the heart of the city has roads like Artillery Road, Infantry Road & Cavalry Road etc. What's disconcerting is that quite a few roads move on a one-way direction and that is taking me time to get used to! Bengaluru has many appellations like the IT hub or the Silicon Valley of India, the Fashion Capital, the Pub City, but the one I like the most is the Garden City of India....so green....the Cubbon Park and the Lalbagh Botanical Garden are really worth the walk and spending time enjoying the surroundings there. The Bannerghata National Park is also quite awesome, with its tiger safari and bear safari etc.

A few of Paul Fernandes' cartoons capture the essence of Bangalore so well.

So we travelled to Bengaluru on the early morning of Feroz's 60th birthday. Sixtieth birthdays seem to have a significance mainly that of being the retirement age.....a chapter of your life closes and you start on a new beginning. It definitely has been a new beginning for us as the Hyderabad chapter of our life closes for a season! It is not the retirement age for Feroz because he is enjoying his career like never before! No doubt there is the hoary head and one becomes mellow and like John Dryden puts it:

What, start at this! when sixty years have spread
Their grey experience o'er thy hoary head?
Is this the all observing age could gain?
Or hast thou known the world so long in vain?

To watch this video, click here:

Just wanted to add the video we gave to Feroz for his 60th birthday which you can view here and here
