Saturday, June 30, 2012


While I was talking to my sister, she told me that in early May two truckload of people arrived on a rainy night at nine thirty and barged into the Khyber House and took everything they could find, removing plaques and other evidences that the place belonged to the Church of North India, Amritsar Diocese, and put their own people there saying that the place belonged to them. They had locked into a room the caretaker and staff of the Earth Centre which ran the guest house and made themselves at home at the Tagore Bhavan down near the main gate. Early next morning the caretaker managed to reach a place where he could telephone because they had taken all the cell phones too, and contacted the Director of the Earth Centre and my sister, who rushed to Dalhousie. On reaching, they went straight to the police station and had to prove to the police officers that the Earth Centre was in their charge. It took the whole day and the better part of the night when the police took into custody the men who were left at Tagore Bhavan whilst the trucks and other vandals went missing. This only happened because the chief minister of the state was contacted and he asked the police officers to look into the matter.

I had been to Dalhousie quite a few times from 2005 onwards to spend time with my sister who was the program secretary of the Earth Centre and had been going there till as recently as this last summer. I saw the renovations to the old building from what it was to what it is now.

In our country, can we expect to live safely or is lawlessness increasing? We read about it in the newspapers happening to others with a sense of indifference, but when it happens to someone close to us, we are indignant! What security is there, where the disparity between the rich and the poor is so vast, and caste divides man from man, and worshipping money is part of the culture so greed is an accepted attitude - the rich keep getting richer and the poor remain poor if they can't get any poorer. The adroit maneuvering with which the vandals operated indicates that they have done such operations before and have the cooperation of the police and some influential people because those who were taken into custody were set free after a couple of days. The government and the police say that they are looking into the matter but one cannot help but be distrustful and cynical.

The Bible says that in the last days lawlessness will increase in Matthew 24:12 and he who endures till the end with faith in the finished work on the Cross of the Lord Jesus Christ, will be saved. The words of the Bible are coming true right before our eyes and our only security is the God of Peace. It says in Isaiah 26:3 - Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee - that's the only security we have!