Monday, February 25, 2013

Blossoms in Bangalore

Does Bangalore weather mean that it is springtime all the year round!!!!  The beautiful greenery of Bangalore is completely overwhelming.  Old Bangaloreans however love to tell us newcomers that Bangalore was much greener than this.  When I see the old trees here, the branches are a thick network growing horizontally almost!  I went through the Indian Institute of Science, the other day, and was amazed at the thickness of the foliage - you couldn't see the sky for the trees!

Bangalore in spring is gorgeous....the lovely Cassia blossoms, all over the city, the delicate pinks, so restful to the eyes, a very pretty sight.  These are the Cassia Grandis.

The park opposite to the Magical Fountain
The Jacarandas are another of the blossoms that make Bangalore give that touch of colourful spring!  These five lobed blue to purple corollas are tropical and subtropical from the Bignonia family.

Somewhere between the airport road that comes into Bangalore
The Golmohurs of course herald the coming in of a hot summer and really blossom at the onset of summer. Gul means flower in Hindi/Urdu and Mohur means a coin.  It is near tropical and tropical and its botanical name is Delonix Regia with its orange/red vivid petals.

Somewhere in Bangalore
There are the Bouganvilleas as well, in various beautiful shades.  Springtime in Bangalore is a treat for us who have come in from the more non-floral parts of India!

God speaks to us through His creation.  How effortlessly He brings to our senses the beauty of His handiwork.  It says in Luke 12:27 - "Consider how the wild flowers grow.  They do not labor or spin.  Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these."