Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Knowing God's Will

God's will at first seems to be so unknowable, only the very few can get it, perhaps!  Or those who have had some kind of experiences not in the natural realm.  Till it dawned on me that God's will is His testament - the old and the new but especially his new covenant in the New Testament!  A will only comes into force when the person who willed it, dies.  That's what happened to the Lord Jesus when He died.  It is the greatest thing that He rose again from the dead and defeated death forever!  But His will came into implementation as soon as He died. His will is His Word.  To know God's will, we have to get into the Word both the old and the new. This Word is workable, usable, do-able and wonderful! The Word is the old covenant which is all about Yeshua concealed; and the new covenant which is all about Yeshua revealed.

In the old covenant, Yahweh spoke to Moshe who wrote down all that Yahweh spoke and it was the Paleo Hebrew script. The letters are numbers and word pictures.  This is the Paleo Hebrew Ancient Script chart which shows clearly what each letter depicts, its explanation, the English alphabet connection, the modern Hebrew letter - here given below:

To put it simply and to give an example, there are two words used a lot in the Bible - 'faith' & 'grace' which have many meanings.  Faith in English is defined as trust or belief; in Greek it is 'pistis' and 'hupostasis' which literally means 'standing under'.  But in Hebrew, it is 'aman' from where we get the word 'Amen'!  In Hebrew, the word 'aman' starts with 'aleph' which depicts the ox-head or powerful leader and denotes the Father (of the Triune God); the second letter is 'mem' which depicts water and denotes blood and the Word; and the third letter is 'nun' which depicts the sprouting seed and denotes the Son (the Seed & Heir Who is the Lord Jesus Christ). So faith then means that if the Father is the Leader, then we are washed by the water of the Word, cleansed by the Lord Jesus' Blood and become heirs of all that the Lord Jesus has, we get the inheritance being continually renewed by the seed of His Word and growing! That is so much more expansive than trust and belief!

Grace means elegance of movement, courteous good will and bringing honour in English.  In Greek it is 'charis' or kindness and favour. But in Hebrew, it is 'chen' or 'channah', and starts with 'chet' which depicts a tent wall or a fence gate and denotes a separation; the second letter is 'nun' which depicts the sprouting seed and denotes the Son (of the Triune God); and the third letter is 'eh' which depicts man with arms raised and denotes breath and revelation, breath being the Holy Spirit (of the Triune God). So grace would mean that you are separated to God because of the Seed of the Word of God in you that causes you to worship with the Breath of God - you are protected within the tent wall and because of the Seed and the Breath of God in you, you are under His care and favour. How graphic is that compared to courteous good will and honour!

If we get the Paleo Hebrew script on to the words in the Bible which can mean something abstract, then through the word pictures, we can get exactly what God is saying and receiving this becomes a revelation and a living transformational Word within us to know and do God's will.