Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Art & Crafts Exhibition

When young people know how to usefully employ their time, it brings joy to our heart!  Our girls at the home, ranging from 6 years to 14 years, spent their free time make rags and waste material into a beautiful arts and crafts exhibition.

Floor mat from rags, crochet Cross, designed cards

Newspaper glued & painted baskets & stitched on jute bottles!

Candle Stands & Pen Stands

Paper Glued colourful plates and Icecream stick designed art!

Art Talent in Sketching & Painting by the Boys' Home!

Boys' Home Artists

The Shekinah Girls'

The Whole Group of Artists
We had invited the boys' from the ICA Boys' Orphanage also to participate and really it was a great evening to see budding artists' talents.  Our desire is that many of them will find their niche in life as they learn new skills and try out their talents.  All of the artefacts were sold as the children priced their products to raise funds for themselves.  Very proud of them all!