Saturday, December 18, 2010

Season's Greetings?

Compliments of the season! Season's greetings! Happy holidays! What happened to Merry Christmas? A while back, this was the regular greeting during December. One thought of December and it was always Christmas holidays! What is this season one wants to compliment and greet about?

The birth of Christ was not celebrated by the early church as we do now, but the early Christians knew its importance to mankind. They knew that were it not for the Sinless One being born as the Son of Man, there would never be hope for mankind. During the time when the Julian Calendar was adopted, the pagan winter festival of Yuletide celebrated in the last week of December as the Wild Hunt, was incorporated into the Christian Calendar as Christmas and celebrated on December 25, around 400 AD.

The joy that a person receives when they realize that our sins can be forgiven and we can receive the gift of eternal life, can never quite be captured....that is when Jesus Christ is born in the heart of that person, and life is never the same. To celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ is a season of joy for all mankind, now our salvation can be received by grace through faith and there is a way out of eternal darkness. Jesus Christ was born into the world to die for the sins of mankind and to give in exchange eternal life which only He can give....for God so loved the world, that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life

The true stories of three individuals who died and came back to tell of their experience is captured in the link below and you will find it a revelation of God's mercy and love.

May you have a Merry Christmas & a Blessed New Year!


  1. We also need power to be and do what God wants for us, and that is the most important part. God's Spirit is now available to us by faith, and this is the practical stuff that way outshines Christmas. This is the ability to love when you don't feel like it, to obey when you don't want to, to believe when you've lost all hope, to move out when you're still afraid, to accomplish God's will with your life when you'd rather sit and worry. John Fischer

  2. Well said by John Fischer....the full Gospel is that Jesus came to be the Way to heaven and the Holy Spirit came to give us the reality of God's Presence in us to love, to obey, to hope and to accomplish God's will in our life. Thanks for the comment!
