Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Power Words

I discovered that being negative and having a critical outlook can bring things to a halt! I found that when I spoke positively, things happened in a much better way. When I was constantly criticizing my domestic help, she worked in a very sour way and halfheartedly too! Soon after I caught myself in this bad attitude, I started encouraging her and viola! What a change! She took corrections in a much better way and did things with a smile!
I read about this experiment which was quite astonishing. A Japanese, Masaru Emoto, not a research scientist, but an original thinker, did extensive research on water. He took water from various sources around the world and froze the water then photographed them with a dark field microscope with photographic capability. He found that the crystals from clean water sources were formed but from polluted water were too sick to form any crystals at all. He discovered that words, thoughts and intents and music have an affect on water. Water crystals to which there was thanks, love and appreciation, formed into beautifully formed crystals whereas water crystals for which negative thoughts were intended were like the crystals of the polluted water, not formed. Take a look:

"Thank you"

"Love & Appreciation"

"You make me sick, I will kill you"

The Bible says in Matthew 12:34 that '...out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.' Clearly, our words, thoughts and intents are a matter of the heart. What is in our hearts is the point. If our heart has malice, criticism, failure, negativity, judgmental attitude, then that is what will come out of the mouth. Whereas if the heart has acceptance, love, grace, confidence, a positive attitude, then that is what the mouth speaks. It is worth considering what is in our hearts for we want power words to come out of our mouth!


  1. Hi Damini, just read thsi post. Really liked it!

  2. Glad you did and thanks for posting your appreciation!
