Friday, September 30, 2016


One of the activities of our charitable trust is doing free medical camps in rural areas.  We have been doing this twice a year for the last four years.  Those who benefit are mostly women and children.  We are grateful to the medical doctors and staff who volunteer so graciously but the results are great to build a relationship with the people in rural areas which reflects the compassion and loving kindness of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Doctor prescribing to the woman.

Lining up to meet the doctor

Women & Children are the beneficiaries

Queueing up to go in and meet the doctor

Medicines stacked up to be given
Right through the Gospels, time and time again, Jesus had compassion on the multitudes who were needing Him being sick, physically, emotionally or mentally and He healed them all.  In whichever part of India, or even the world, people need compassion and care and we provide it in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.  We take it as a privilege to be the Hands & Feet of the Lord Jesus Christ to serve others.  The need is too huge that only God can handle it, we do our bit in serving those we can!

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