Monday, July 13, 2020

Joyful Acceptance of the Word of God

“And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full.”
‭‭1 John‬ ‭1:4‬ ‭KJV‬‬
Our mind tells us that the Bible is written by several different people but the Word of God tells us that all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and holy men of God were moved by the Holy Spirit.  Here the apostle John states that he writes to the readers that there joy may be full.  The greatest joy the disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ receives is when we agree with the Word of God and put it into practice.  The Bible is practical and the Holy Spirit interprets it for us when we have a relationship with Him.  When we don’t understand He explains and gives confirmation from the Word itself.  The Author explains it to us so we can just do it, and then the joy we receive is to “the full”.  Let’s obey Him because He knows everything!  Thank You for loving us just as we are and choosing us to have a relationship with You and thank You for explaining the Word to us by Your revelation...we receive Your revelation by faith!

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