Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Magnify God

“For they heard them speak with tongues, and magnify God. Then answered Peter,”
‭‭Acts‬ ‭10:46‬ ‭KJV‬‬
Peter was amazed that when he told of the Lord Jesus Christ to Cornelius and his household, who were outsiders to the Jewish people, yet the Holy Spirit fell on them.  The people spoke in tongues and magnified God.  Praying in tongues has become such a point of contention and disunity in the churches today when it is meant to bring the Church together and in unity.  God gave the mighty Holy Spirit for our time on earth to pray in tongues and with understanding, through all of us disciples, to magnify God.  Praying in tongues will cease after earthly time.  That is why it is imperative to pray in tongues now and allow the mighty Holy Spirit to bring God’s will on earth.  We are empowered to preach the Gospel with power and souls are saved and God’s Kingdom increases.  To be a witness for Jesus, we need the Holy Spirit.  Let’s pray ceaselessly with understanding and in tongues and magnify God! Let’s win souls for Jesus in the power of the mighty Holy Spirit!

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