Thursday, January 14, 2021

God’s Dwelling Place

 “Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands; as saith the prophet,”

‭‭Acts‬ ‭7:48‬ ‭KJV‬‬

The Living God does not live in any man-made building.  No human can build anything for God to dwell in because heaven is God’s throne and the earth His footstool.  There is no temple, no church, no cathedral, no north or south pole, no building anywhere on this planet where God dwells.  God has chosen in His wisdom to dwell in the hearts of those who have recognised the Blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, on the Cross, that only through this and accepting Him in our heart, can mankind receive forgiveness of sins.  When we recognise this, the Holy Spirit of God comes to dwell in us and makes our body His temple.  We must never forget that our body is now the sacred temple of the Spirit of Holiness, who lives in us.  We don’t belong to ourselves any longer, for the gift of God, the Holy Spirit, lives inside our sanctuary. We were God’s expensive purchase, paid for with Christ’s Blood.  Let’s use our body to bring glory to God!  Hallelujah!

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