Friday, November 20, 2020

Conduct of the Disciples of Jesus Christ

 “Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:12‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Here Paul is encouraging the disciples of the Lord Jesus to conduct themselves in a godly way.  Disciples of Christ, right down history, rejoiced in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing instant in prayer even till the end.  This is unique only to those who have Christ in them.  Why do we rejoice?  Because we have Christ in us, the hope of glory.  Why are we patient in tribulation?  Because the love of Christ constrains us and love is patient.  Why do we continue instant in prayer?  Because we have the unique privilege of being in-dwelt by the Holy Spirit Who prays through us.  Let’s rejoice in hope, that confident expectation of God’s goodness.  Let’s be patient in tribulation, as Jesus said that in this world there is tribulation but to be of good cheer as He overcame the world.  Let’s continue instant in prayer, because Jesus said whatsoever we ask in prayer, believing, we shall receive.  Let’s do what our Lord has asked us to do!  Praise You Jesus!

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