Monday, May 24, 2021

Holy Spirit Inspired Gospel Preaching

 “and also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit.”

‭‭Joel‬ ‭2:29‬ ‭KJV‬‬

This vision of the prophet Joel was spoken when Judah, the temple, the priests and the people were in the throes of corruption and false worship.  So Joel prophesied of the day of the Lord, of darkness - the consequence of rejecting God.  Then Joel prophesied of restoration through the pouring of the Spirit upon humanity, even upon servants and maidservants.  This is the promise of our Lord Jesus that He would send us the Holy Spirit.  At Pentecost when the Holy Spirit first came upon the 120 disciples, Peter reminded the people of Joel’s vision.  We live in a time when people are indifferent to the love of God shown through the Blood sacrifice of Jesus.  Moral darkness is pervading our world, along with famine, locusts, lack, plagues and fear.  This is the time for the Church to proclaim the resurrected Christ Who pours His Spirit upon all flesh and even on the servants and maids.  He does this to bring restoration.  This would be the last time before the great day of the Lord.  Let the power of the glorious Gospel of Christ be proclaimed in the power of the Holy Spirit, so that humanity turns to the living and loving God.  Use us, Lord Jesus, Your Church, to proclaim the Gospel to a lost and dying world.  Amen!

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