Tuesday, February 22, 2022

It will Go Well with the Righteous

 “The shew of their countenance doth witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. Woe unto their soul! for they have rewarded evil unto themselves. Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings.”

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭3:9-10‬ KJV

As Isaiah prophesied of the coming generation of the last days that the look on their impudent faces says it all, for they publicly flaunt their sin like Sodom, not even trying to hide it.  Woe to their souls for they invite disaster upon themselves.  Yet reassure the righteous; it will go well with them! They will fully enjoy the reward of their deeds.  The rebellious who parade themselves with impunity are inviting demonic influences over their lives.  But let the righteous be reassured that it will go well with them!  They will fully enjoy the reward of their deeds.  The lovers of God, even in a time of difficulty, can enjoy the sweet fruits of seeking God and serving His Kingdom.  They will reap the good seeds they planted, for seeds turn into fruit.  The fruit of their deeds is the holy confidence that God is with them, even in a season of judgment.  We can know it will go well with us, for the message of hope is this, “Tell the righteous they can still be joyful and it will be well with them.”

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