Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Nourishment for the Church

“If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine, whereunto thou hast attained.”
‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭4:6‬ ‭KJV‬‬
When a baby is born the mother does all to nourish the baby: providing everything for growth, health and good condition.  The Lord Jesus nourishes and cherishes the Church as His own Body with words of faith, good doctrine and purpose for His will to be done and for His Kingdom to come.  As His Body, our part is to build others with words of faith,  the sound doctrine of the new covenant with Jesus and the glorious grace of the Gospel.  The Gospel is that He died and rose again to remove our sin with His own Blood and He forgives everyone willing to come to Him with a repentant heart.  Let’s nourish with words of faith and with the sound doctrine of His glorious grace and bring many into the Body of Christ and help them grow and be mature.  Amen!

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