Monday, November 6, 2023

Our Victory in Christ

 “And these are the kings of the country which Joshua and the children of Israel smote…”

‭‭Joshua‬ ‭12‬:‭7‬ ‭KJV‬‬

There were 31 kings destroyed by Joshua.  Our heavenly Joshua has defeated every principality, power, and stronghold that resists our advance in Christ.  The Name of Mighty God El equals 31 in numerical value.  The 31 strongholds that Jesus demolished through the Cross are: walls, impossibilities, limitations; world system; counterfeit spirituality; broken fellowship with God Almighty; anything lifted up against God; pride, arrogance; human ingenuity; human arguments, oratory; sharp tongue, stinging words; political spirit; defensiveness; defeat, depression; rebellion, lawlessness; self-righteousness, hypocrisy; others’ approval, insecurity; false shepherds, selfish leadership; religious spirit; drunkenness; shame, condemnation; self-sufficiency; complacency, passivity; divisive and argumentative; human wisdom, mind of man; traditions, prideful opinions; occult, witchcraft; soulish, double mindedness; distraction, anxiety; man-made holiness standards; celebrity worship; worldly comfort; dull of heart, refusing to change, going nowhere; loving worldly pleasures more than loving God.  Jesus sets us free from each of these thirty-one strongholds.  Amen!

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