Monday, September 20, 2021

Redeemed to Full Sonship

 “to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.”

‭‭Galatians‬ ‭4:5‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Paul reveals how we became adopted as children of God. Christ came in the flesh so that He would redeem and set free those held hostage to the law so that we would receive our freedom and a full legal adoption as God’s children.  The Lord Jesus’s mandate was to rescue the human race from the regime of the law of performance and announce the revelation of their true sonship in God.  Through the Cross our true state of sonship is realised but when He came to His own, they didn’t recognise Him.  But to everyone who realises our connection with Him are convinced that He is our original life and He confirms that we are God’s offspring.  We began in God beyond our natural conception.  It is the Word that became human and dwelt among us and through His resurrection, now dwells in us.  The glory that Adam lost has been returned through Christ in us.  Now He resides in us and we are His address.  The fullness of His glory dwells in us.  Only Grace can communicate this truth in its completeness.  Thank You for redeeming us and making us God’s sons, Hallelujah!

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