Monday, October 10, 2022

Did You Hear God Call You?

 “And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?”

‭‭Genesis‬ ‭3:9‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Then Yahweh-God called Adam’s name and asked, “Where are you?”  When Adam first sinned, he should have gone immediately to God to beg for mercy and forgiveness.  Instead he did just what millions are doing today: he ran and hid from God so that God had to come and look for him.  God knew where Adam was hiding but wanted him to admit his shame.  The first question God asks in the Bible: “Where are you?” shows that we belong to God.  He longs for each person to examine our lives, be honest with Him, and come out of hiding.  The first question of the New Testament is, “Where is the child born King of the Jews?”  And the first question Jesus asks is, “What do you seek?”  Our answers to these three questions hold the keys to understanding the need of our heart, our life’s passion, and God’s plan for our lives.  Let’s be eager to present ourselves before God, acknowledge Jesus’s Lordship over our lives and seek to fulfil His purpose for our lives.  Amen!

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