Saturday, October 8, 2022

Eden - The Land of Delight

 “And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.”

‭‭Genesis‬ ‭2:8‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Then Yahweh-God planted a lush garden paradise in the East, in the Land of Delight; and there He placed the man He had formed.  The Lord wanted to plant Himself in the dust of Adam and become life within Him.  As the tree was to receive nourishment from the soil, so Adam was to draw life and sustenance from his Maker.  Life for Adam depended on what he did with the “Tree.”  Life for you and me depends on what we do with the Tree on which Jesus died.  Jesus Christ is now the Tree of Life and is accessible to all who come by faith.  Man began in a garden, sinned in a garden, and was driven out of a garden.  Then Jesus came.  He went into a garden called Gethsemane as the Perfect Man and tasted the fruits of our suffering and pain.  He was then laid in a garden tomb that we might become the garden of His delight.  Eden means delight and bliss.  Eden is the realm of glory, bliss and delight that God wants to unveil to the believer.  Let’s enjoy the bliss and delight that God has for us in Christ.  Glory to God!

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