Saturday, August 12, 2023

God’s High Calling on Your Life

 “Ye shall not fear them: for the LORD your God he shall fight for you.”

‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭3‬:‭22‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Here is a “Fear not” spoken to the budding leader Joshua.  Every leader whom God called into leadership showed panic and fear for the responsibility God gave them.  In the natural,  we fear to accept huge responsibilities, but life in Christ happily assumes God-given responsibilities without fear.  God imparts extraordinary courage for extraordinary missions.  Believe in God’s training in your life when He calls you because He never heaps responsibilities on untrained, feeble shoulders.  Believe in God’s accomplishments through others along with you, when He builds a great team to fulfill His purposes.  Believe in God’s honour.  Jesus said if we serve Him, the Father will honour us.  Believe in God’s strength because His strength abounds in our weakness.  Trust God to work effectively to help fulfill our responsibilities.  Believe in God’s calling and grace when He assigns us His divine mission.  Believe in God’s faithfulness, He helps us finish the race and when He began a work, He is faithful to complete it.  Jesus died and rose again to give us His anointing to fulfill our responsibilities with delight and dignity as His yoke is always easy and light.  Accept God’s high calling for your life without fear.  Amen!

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