Friday, August 18, 2023

Word-Soaked Life

 “And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:”

‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭6‬:‭6‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Life in Christ finds delight in acting on God’s Word.  No wonder, our Saviour took every Word from  Deuteronomy, when He confronted satan in the wilderness.  When Jesus spoke the Word in the synagogue, the Jewish leaders were astonished by what He taught and said, “How did this Man acquire such knowledge? He wasn’t trained in our schools—who taught Him?”  Let’s allow the Word of God to take supreme place in our daily lives as we live a Word-soaked life.  We live in a day when the Holy Bible is being changed to suit people’s level of morality and culture.  God commanded His people to keep His Word in their heart.  Let’s absorb the Word and give top priority to being a Word person.  Let’s observe and obey every Word from God’s mouth and act on it by faith, being doers of the Word not hearers only!  It will cost us but the rewards are too great, surpassing our imagination!  As we treasure the Word in our heart, we’ll not only obey the Word but think and speak the Word in our conversation.  Let’s imagine the Word, dream the Word, possess the Word, proclaim the Word, today! Amen!

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