Friday, October 13, 2023

God Himself Buried Moses

 “So Moses the servant of the LORD died there in the land of Moab, according to the word of the LORD. And he buried him in a valley in the land of Moab, over against Beth-peor: but no man knoweth of his sepulchre unto this day.”

‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭34‬:‭5‬-‭6‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Moses died there in the land of Moab, Moses the servant of God, just as God said. God buried him in the valley in the land of Moab opposite Beth Peor. No one knows his burial site to this very day.  Moses’ burial place had to be unknown or the children of Israel would have made it into idolatry.  Even in the heavenly realm Moses’ death made the devil dispute over Moses’ body.  The devil’s accusation was that Moses had sinned against God even though he had given the law, so how could God Himself bury him?  God commissioned the archangel Michael, when there was a dispute with the devil over the body of Moses, by not insulting or slandering the devil, but simply saying, “The Lord Yahweh rebuke you!”  So Michael took Moses’ body away, and God Himself buried him in an unknown place in Moab.  This was so that after His resurrection, Jesus would be the Head of the Body, the Church: Who is the Beginning, the Firstborn  from the dead; that in all things He might have the preeminence.  Let’s know how to put the devil to flight by using the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God, just as Jesus did.  Amen!

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