Saturday, March 25, 2023

Foundations & Pillars

 “and the five pillars of it with their hooks: and he overlaid their chapiters and their fillets with gold: but their five sockets were of brass.”

‭‭Exodus‬ ‭36‬:‭38‬ ‭KJV‬‬

And he made the five pillars of it with their hooks, and overlaid their ornamental tops and joinings with gold, but their five sockets were of bronze.  This was the tabernacle in the wilderness.  Now we are the holy habitation of our God, wherein our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, in the new covenant that the Lord Jesus Christ cut with us by His own Blood.  These pillars are grace, truth, mercy, peace and love and that is Who our God is.  Jesus embodies grace, truth, mercy, peace and love.  For the Church to release this, our five foundations are prayer, praise and worship, preaching and teaching the Word of God which is the glorious Gospel, the flow of the Holy Spirit, and fellowship with other believers.  Let’s be the pillars that our God wants us to be, fulfilling His purpose in our lives.  Amen!

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