Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Christ Cleanses the Unclean

“This is the law of him that hath an issue, and of him whose seed goeth from him, and is defiled therewith; and of her that is sick of her flowers, and of him that hath an issue, of the man, and of the woman, and of him that lieth with her that is unclean.”

‭‭Leviticus‬ ‭15‬:‭32‬-‭33‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Under the old covenant, a man or a woman having discharge was‬ ‭unclean and couldn’t come into the place of worship unless they had purified themselves.  In Jesus’s ministry on earth, He touched the unclean leper and the woman with the issue of blood and they were made clean.  Everyone who came to Jesus was cleansed and healed!  In Christ, physical defilements are not the main focus.  Sin, which is the root of all defilement and uncleanness, physical or otherwise, was dealt with already at the Cross.  Through faith in Christ’s precious Blood Sacrifice, our hearts are purified.  The atoning work of Jesus broke all curses, brought deliverance from evil and healing from all sickness and disease.  Let’s by faith, be cleansed and purified by the Blood of Jesus and be a vessel of honour, sanctified, and fit for the Master's use, and prepared for every good work.  Amen! 

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