Friday, May 12, 2023

The LORD God Who Sanctifies

 “And ye shall keep my statutes, and do them: I am the LORD which sanctify you.”

‭‭Leviticus‬ ‭20‬:‭8‬ ‭KJV‬‬ 

When the Israelites were in Egypt they followed Egyptian laws but when God delivered them, He became their ultimate Ruler.  He separated and sanctified them being their guide, their dietician, gastroenterologist, gynaecologist, paediatrician, dermatologist, their sanitary inspector and hygienist, their urologist and sexologist, their moral instructor, their supreme court, their master of religious ceremonies, their employer and landowner, their agricultural officer and geologist, their reformer.  In short, God was there All in All.  In Christ, in addition to all this, He is your Father, your Groom, your Best Friend, your Indweller, your All in All.  He sanctifies and sets you apart because of His high moral standards.  He sanctifies you through His Word, His Blood, and His Spirit, anoints you and makes you a member of His Body.  In the old covenant He wrote His statutes on stone and in the new covenant He writes them in your heart.  Let His holiness be your standard - Yahweh M’kaddesh - the LORD God Who Sanctifies you.  Amen!

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