Monday, January 15, 2024

Harvest of Souls

 ”And, behold, Boaz came from Beth-lehem, and said unto the reapers, The LORD be with you. And they answered him, The LORD bless thee.“

‭‭Ruth‬ ‭2‬:‭4‬ ‭KJV‬‬

At that moment, Boaz came from Bethlehem to survey his harvest.  He greeted the harvesters, “May Yahweh be with you.” They replied, “May Yahweh bless you.”  Jesus too, came from Bethlehem to bless His harvesters.  Today’s harvesters are the evangelists who go to the nations of the earth to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  May Yahweh’s blessing indeed be upon them as they seek a global harvest of souls.  The Holy Spirit is the Lord of the Harvest Who equips and places each believer in the harvest fields where we will be the most effective.  Jesus said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the labourers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into His harvest.”  As disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, let’s obey Him in faith.  Amen!

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