Friday, January 5, 2024

The Lord Jesus Christ is Preeminent

 ”And they set them up Micah's graven image, which he made, all the time that the house of God was in Shiloh.“

‭‭Judges‬ ‭18‬:‭31‬ ‭KJV‬‬

So they enshrined the idol Micah had made, and they made it their own even though the proper house of God stood at Shiloh.  This was the tabernacle Moses had made during their days in the wilderness.  It had the ark of the covenant which was the Presence of Yahweh amongst His people.  God,  through Moses, had given in detail how the high priest approached the Most Holy Place but once a year with fear and trembling to make the annual restitution of sins by the blood of bulls and goats.  But in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again made of sins every year. For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins.  By God’s will we have been purified and made holy once and for all through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus, the Messiah!  Micah’s graven image was a travesty of the Presence of God.  There was a judgment for this in Moses’ law.  How much more severely do you suppose a person deserves to be judged who has contempt for God’s Son, and who scorns the Blood of the new covenant that made us holy, and has outraged the Spirit of grace?  Let’s not have any idols in our hearts but give the Lord Jesus Christ the preeminence.  Amen!

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