Saturday, June 8, 2024

Jesus Christ is LORD

 “And this is love, that we walk after his commandments. This is the commandment, That, as ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it. For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.”

‭‭2 John‬ ‭1‬:‭6‬-‭7‬ ‭KJV‬‬

This love means living in obedience to whatever God commands us. For to walk in love toward one another is the unifying commandment we’ve heard from the beginning. Numerous deceivers have surfaced from among us and gone out into the world, people who will not acknowledge Jesus Christ coming as a man. These deceivers are antichrists!  In the context of live, John mentions false teachers, which shows that love is the safeguard against error.  The more that love flows through us as we honour God’s commands, the more we are kept from deception.  Our unity, produced by love, enables us to recognise and resist false teachers. Love means following His commandments, and His unifying commandment is that we conduct our lives in love. This is the first thing we heard, and nothing has changed. There are a lot of smooth-talking con artists loose in the world who refuse to believe that Jesus Christ was truly human, a flesh-and-blood human being. Give them their true title: deceiver and antichrist!  Let’s move in love.  Amen!

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