Sunday, June 23, 2024

Judge Not, but Build Up the Church

 “And he sent again a captain of the third fifty with his fifty. And the third captain of fifty went up, and came and fell on his knees before Elijah, and besought him, and said unto him, O man of God, I pray thee, let my life, and the life of these fifty thy servants, be precious in thy sight. Behold, there came fire down from heaven, and burnt up the two captains of the former fifties with their fifties: therefore let my life now be precious in thy sight.”

‭‭2 Kings‬ ‭1‬:‭13‬-‭14‬ ‭KJV‬‬

The king then sent a third captain with his fifty men. For a third time, a captain with his fifty approached Elijah. This one fell on his knees in supplication: “O Holy Man, have respect for my life and the souls of these fifty men! Twice now lightning from out of the blue has struck and incinerated captains with their fifty men; please, I beg you, respect my life!”  Ahaziah of Israel sent messengers to Baalzebub to consult the god of Ekron for his health.  Elijah, God’s prophet, intercepted the messengers and gave them the message that Ahaziah will not survive his illness.  So Ahaziah sent two bands of soldiers one after another  to talk to Elijah but the fire of God consumed them.  This third band and the captain came in fear and trembling to talk to Elijah.  They survived but the king did not.  Who can stretch out his hand against the Lord’s anointed, and be guiltless?  Let’s not judge but build up those who are anointed but not in God’s will.  Amen!

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