Monday, September 25, 2023

Be the True Light of Christ in You

 “If there be a controversy between men, and they come unto judgment, that the judges may judge them; then they shall justify the righteous, and condemn the wicked.”

‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭25‬:‭1‬ ‭KJV‬‬

The laws that judge in a country for judgment that justifies the righteous and condemns the wicked has turned around nowadays.  The manipulation of justice in many countries is now justifying the wicked and condemning the righteous.  We bewail at what the world is coming to.  The Church which is the Body of Christ is here to proclaim the righteousness of God, which is, that all judgment against God by mankind, fell upon Jesus.  For here is the way God loved the world—He gave His only, unique Son as a gift. So now everyone who believes in Him will never perish but experience everlasting life. God did not send His Son into the world to judge and condemn the world, but to be its Savior and rescue it! So now there is no longer any condemnation for those who believe in Him, but the unbeliever already lives under condemnation because they do not believe in the Name of the only Son of God. And here is the basis for their judgment: The Light of God has now come into the world, but the people loved darkness more than the Light, because they want the darkness to conceal their evil.  Amen!

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